Spiritual Musings

Thoughts for a New Year

My mind works in school years.
I am forever on an academic calendar.
I’ve been thinking about life in terms of school years since I was kindergarten…and I never really stopped.

I love the “New Year”.

A rebirth of sorts in August (or in this case July 30th because…pettiness).
And while I wish I could stretch not working, but still getting paid for a few more weeks, I am genuinely excited for all that will come from this school year in part because of the way I took care of myself this summer.

One of the last things I did before jumping back into work was take a hike.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that the outdoors isn’t my natural habitat.

Definitely more of a comfy hotel robes and spas kind of girl, but I realize that I’m at my best when I’m doing things that are really hard.

And for me…hiking is hard.

So off I went.

And while I was climbing, sweating, contemplating quitting, and resting the Lord dropped a few gems in my spirit I would like to share with you that I am absolutely determined to bring with me into this new academic year.

Don’t mistake a milestone for a finish line.

The first stopping point in my hike was at a gorgeous waterfall. Now, I’ve already told ya’ll how I’m not really big on nature or climbing things and so I was really proud of myself by this point. I was grateful for the views at my current location…but as I was admiring where I was I realized that if I wanted to, there was wayyy more trail left that would take me to a spot where the views were even more incredible.

There were a good number of people who had climbed to the height I had climbed and were content, but the longer I thought about it, the more I realized I had some more left in me. So I decided to keep going.

The harder the climb, the better the views.

And as I enter into another year of school I commit to reminding myself of this. It doesn’t matter where other people decide to stop or feel content. I have to remember that my milestones aren’t finish lines. I need to appreciate where I am–but I can’t get stuck there. I have more in me.

Your pace is the only pace that matters.

I get to the second part of this climb, and realize I have to battle 425 stairs…and I start climbing again.

My legs are burning.
My breath is shallow.
My faith is wavering. (Okay…maybe not…but I’m hurting.)

My pace had slowed down a bit, but I never quit. And at some point I had to remind myself that no one else’s pace determined how long it would take me to get my butt up those stairs.

Yes girl, these stairs are absolutely an extended metaphor for your life.

But you’re the only friend who isn’t married.
Everyone has already bought a house.
Your friends make so much more money than you.
Everyone has it together but you.

Well let me tell you:

You’re single? Great. Sleep in the middle of your bed and spend your money exactly how you want to.
A house just means you can’t put in a maintenance request when something breaks.
Me too, girl. So. Much. More. Money. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about dippin’ a toe into the waters of corporate America from time to time.
They don’t have it together, they just don’t post the unstable parts.

No one else’s husband, job, bank account or withitness matters for your pace.

Put on your blinders and climb, sis.

There are always places to rest–so rest.

So ya girl is still climbing and I start thinking…if my heart jumps out of my chest on this climb Shamar will never know to look for me here.

He’ll look in every Krispy Kreme, Barnes and Noble, and Target…but he’ll never think to look on a hiking trail to find his wife.

Right as I had that thought, God sent a ram in the bush…in the form of a bench.
A bench where someone had written “Don’t quit.”

And do you know my dumb self had to second guess sitting down?! Like I wasn’t really about the blackout. But for a second my pride wouldn’t let me stop.

But by stopping–this blog post was birthed.

You see, reflection doesn’t happen when you’re climbing it happens when you’re resting. God will always give you places to rest, even in the middle of the challenge. Reflection is just as important as the grind. It’s where we synthesize all of the growth.

Set a goal that’s worth the grind.

So I finally get to the top and this is what I see. And while I may never be one of those people who will choose roughing it in wildnerness over a stay at the Four Seasons…I can say that all the hurt I felt throughout that climb was worth it to get to this view. And while I was sitting there admiring all that God had created I began thinking that I need to be intentional about making sure the energy and effort I put into things results in something that is worth all of the hard work. Energy is like money, there’s only a finite amount of it…so you better budget it out carefully and you need to evaluate the way you spend it often.

So as this year tries my patience, tests my faith, and stretches me in ways that I can’t even see coming yet…I will keep listening for the gems God has for me and keep encouraging you to do the same.


There’s magic in our musings (and our individual journeys),

1 thought on “Thoughts for a New Year

  1. THIS RIGHT HERE! “I have to remember that my milestones aren’t finish lines. I need to appreciate where I am–but I can’t get stuck there. I have more in me.” Thank you for sharing.

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