Spiritual Musings

There’s Joy in the Unknown

This is part two of a three part series about finding joy in unexpected places. Haven’t read the first installment of the series? You can find it here.

Don’t let the title of this one fool you.

A few weeks ago, I decided it was time to tell my boss I was not returning to my school next year and the thought of doing so almost made me pass out.

Now before we get into the lessons I learned from this experience, let me tell you all the reasons why I should not have said this to my boss.

1. I am really good at my job and as long as I stayed good, I’d always have it.

2. I love my boss and the people I work around. Adore them.

3. I have a whole mortgage.

4. I have no idea what I am going to do next.

This last reason is why I was so afraid to have this conversation. I know what I would like to try. I know what I am most interested in. But I don’t actually have anything lined up.

And that, my friends, is terrifying.

The night before I was supposed to meet with her, I was listening to two different Christian podcasts and both referenced Genesis 12:1

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I willshow you.”

I felt such a peace from this verse and the next few that followed. So in this in this post, we’re going to talk about how we can find joy in the unknown as believers.

I know.

I can already feel the side eyes radiating from this one. And to be completely honest if you don’t believe in Jesus, this one might be hard to understand. But you know this a judgement free space, so I just need everyone to go get a Chai Tea Latte and a fuzzy blanket so we can dive into these good lessons.

You don’t need the ‘how’ in order to obey God’s call.

When God told Abram to leave his home, his country, and his people, my dawg moved.

He didn’t have a GPS…which wouldn’t have even been helpful because he didn’t have an address.

He didn’t have the certainty of an end goal. He just had a word from God.

And not even a word of what God had done in order to prep him in advance…but what he would do….eventually.

Genesis 12:2-3

I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

But that was enough.

Pastor Michael Todd, leader at Transformation Church, said, “God gives turn by turn directions.”

All Abram knew was that God told him to move and that He would show him and bless him and that’s all Abram needed.

He didn’t need the how.

And I didn’t need the how either.

Guess what sis, neither do you.

How much more could we accomplished if we worried less about the “how” and more about the “who”? Who we were listening to and working for?

Here’s the part where I say “Now” and give you my caveat.

Now, this isn’t about throwing all caution to the wind and failing to count the cost of this. This ONLY works because of who is telling you to move. I’m not asking you to quit your job and figure the rest out later.

I didn’t quit my job.

I have 5 more months before I have to find employment somewhere.

What I am saying is that if God has told you to take the first step I just want to remind you in love that you don’t need the how when the who you’re listening to is Jesus.

Saying “yes” one time won’t cut it.

The trepidation I felt the night before going to talk to my principal had been settled by these repeated confirmations from God. My day went well and at the end of it, it was time to talk to my principal.

The conversation went incredibly well. The mutual love and respect we have for each other was tangible and we walked away in agreement that my departure wouldn’t be the end of the relationship I have with my school.

I left school feeling so much peace. Hopped in the car hyped for a three day weekend and an old podcast starting playing. This time one created by The Grove at Passion City Church and its focus was obedience.

The Power of Long Obedience

Shelley Giglio began talking about the power of long obedience in the same direction inspired by a book with the same title by Eugene H. Peterson.

She began talking about the idea of living our life in the same direction. Not that it’s just obedience once–like I did that thing one time–but continued obedience. She continued talking about waking up each day and saying yes to God, regardless of what He says. It’s establishing the answer ahead of time, so no matter what it is He says the answer is yes. That’s long obedience in the same direction and it’s how you can live in the flow of whatever God is doing.

As I’m sitting here writing this, I realize the importance of the step I just took…and all of the steps I have yet to take. It’s about realizing that my one time choice to be obedient to God is jus the first step in a line of many choices.

Over the next couple of months (and for the rest of my life), I will have to continuously say yes. Regardless of the request. Regardless of how much sense it does or doesn’t make in the moment or how hard it is.

I have to keep saying yes.

Those ‘yeses’ are where I’ll find my joy.

And I have to stay close God. It’s only by being near to Him can I ensure I’m saying yes to Him and not my fears and frustrations.

The conditions don’t have to be perfect before you can start.

I was talking to my mom the other day, and she was sharing how excited she is to start painting again. She’s an incredible artist who hasn’t used her gifts in a long time.

While she’s in a time of professional uncertainty in her life (welcome to the club, mom!) she knows she wants to do things that fuel her passions and bring her joy again.

So painting it is.

But as we were talking, she was telling me about how she can’t start yet because the room she’s converting into a studio isn’t finished yet.

How many of us are waiting on our environment to be perfect before we can do the thing we’ve been called to?

God is far more concerned with the condition of your heart than the perfection of your circumstances.

He wants your faith and your willingness to believe when others can’t. It’s why He’s planted the vision in you. As an anchor for what He’s promised to you even when your circumstances don’t seem to reflect those promises, yet. But how will you ever get there if everything has to be lined up perfectly before you can move?

So my sister (or brother…because apparently some of y’all are out there too! Hi!) realize there is so much joy in moving in the flow of what God has for your life.

Whatever you don’t know is merely opportunity for Him to show you all of the ways He can provide and exceed every expectation you thought you had for yourself.

The unknown is a gift.

An opportunity to reflect and start again.

To deepen your faith and lengthen your obedience.

And to be reminded of the unchanging faithfulness of God.

There’s magic in our musings, uncertainty, and obedience,

1 thought on “There’s Joy in the Unknown

  1. So amazing how I let this series of yours sit in my inbox for a “minute,” but when I finally got the mindspace to read it today, it’s EXACTLY what I needed! I thank God for you sharing your musings! You are helping many through their life journey. 🧩👏🏽

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